Mat 12v28 "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you". E.S.V.
From this Scripture and surrounding verses it appears that when the kingdom of God comes upon someone that the Holy Spirit is not going to want to share His abode with any form of resistance to Himself. However, 2 points:
Jesus Himself e.g. at His temptations the devil "took Him" [Mat 4v8] up on a mountain and "said to Him". We are not told that the Devil entered Jesus but that the Devil appears to have some, no doubt temporary God given, influence on Jesus. Jesus heard what the Devil was saying, the Devil's words entered Jesus' mind in that Jesus reacts to them in His replies. From this we may understand, I think, as a Pentecostalist, that the Devil can attack, oppress and put his thoughts into our minds. But that is not taking up residence it is just putting something horrid through the letter box.
Secondly, when someone is a child of the Devil and is then reborn as a Christian initially they are not used to the new system. For all of us it takes time to see just how deeply false teaching e.g.[Mat 16:12] "the doctrine of the Pharisees" has entered our thinking.