How often do Christian missionaries follow the example of Acts 16:6-10 in order to make decisions as to which country/place they are to go to preach?


It's unclear what could be a good answer for your question. I'll offer some insights into how LDS missions work.

One of our the articles of faith put forth by Joseph Smith is this:

5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

In general, this means for any and all callings (such as bishops, local teachers etc.) whoever is in charge seeks inspiration and confirmation from God through prayer as to which member should fill which position.

For missionaries, this works as follows:

  • prospective missionaries turn their application in
  • one of the Twelve seeks inspiration in which mission to send this missionary (a mission is a geographical area, there are more than 400)
  • each mission has a mission president which in turn seeks inspiration regarding in which city inside the mission to send that individual missionary. Every 6 weeks there are rotations where the mission president will again decide (again, while seeking inspiration) whether or not to leave the missionary there or send somewhere else in the mission
  • the individual missionaries also seek inspiration as to where to go and what to do as they plan their days (that chapter is a lot about setting good goals, etc., but always puts prayer and seeking inspiration from the Lord as top priorities)

As you pray personally and in your companionship, seek inspiration on what you should do each day. As you follow your plans, pray and ask the Lord for guidance. Have a prayer in your heart throughout the day that the Spirit will help you know where to go, what to do, and what to say.

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