Has the impact of a practitioner's theological framework on pastoral counseling methodology been studied?


I'm not sure I would agree that Calvinism is deterministic. Calvinists believe that God is sovereign and man is responsible. Calvinists also believe that the Bible is sufficient for faith and practice. As a result, some Calvinists would tend towards a nouthetic approach, such as Jay Adams and the Tripp brothers advocate.

Indeed, I would definitely say that Jay Adams and the Tripp brothers have thought deeply about how their theological framework and worldview affect counseling. Read Jay Adams's book Competent to Counsel and Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, by Paul Tripp.

As for institutions, you could look at Adams's group, the Institute for Nouthetic Studies at http://www.nouthetic.org/, or the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation at http://www.ccef.org/.

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