Was what I was told about Catholics correct?


Accepted answer

No, that is not correct

Your friends/associates are speaking from ignorance (at best), and possibly out of spite.

Papal Infallibility

Per the Ecumenical Council now referred to as Vatican I (1870), papal infallibility relates to declarations made ex cathedra pertaining to faith and morals. (Catholic Encyclopedia, Infalliblity, Explanation of papal infallibility)

The Vatican Council has defined as "a divinely revealed dogma" that "the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra β€” that is, when in the exercise of his office as pastor and teacher of all Christians he defines, by virtue of his supreme Apostolic authority, a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the whole Church β€” is, by reason of the Divine assistance promised to him in blessed Peter, possessed of that infallibility with which the Divine Redeemer wished His Church to be endowed in defining doctrines of faith and morals; and consequently that such definitions of the Roman Pontiff are irreformable of their own nature (ex sese) and not by reason of the Church's consent" (Denzinger no. 1839 β€” old no. 1680).

The most recent ex cathedra declaration regards the dogma of the Assumption of Mary (Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XII Munificentissimus Deus(AAS 42 [1950], 760-762, 767-769). Ex cathedra declarations are rare.

About Penance

Catholics believe that they have to say something like 5 to 10 of the lords prayer and possibly a few "Hail Mary"s added to the mix per sin depending on how "bad" it is.

That is sheer ignorance. A wide variety of things can be assigned to the penitent during confession (the sacrament of penance and reconciliation, CCC 1422- 1489) by the confessor(priest) to include actions, apologies, repayment, restitution (and much more) depending upon the sin and circumstances. Prayer is also usually assigned. Why? To turn back toward God and away from sin. (See Repentance).

Prayer is as an opening of the heart to God.


For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy. ~ St. Therese of Lisieux, Manuscrits autobiographiques, C 25r.1

The point of prayer after confession is to head back into the direction of avoiding sin and near occasions of sin. This may include prayers (Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be, others) but just saying these prayers yourself is in no way, shape, or form the approved method of confessing and resolving mortal sin -- that requires seeking absolution through the sacrament of penance and reconciliation(confession). It may be that for a given confession penance only warrants prayer; in other cases, other penance may be assigned.


As a Protestant, I tend to follow a general rule when it comes to facts about Catholics- if my "facts" come from Protestant sources, don't take them at face value. I'm sure people who "know why Catholics are theologically wrong" mean well in disseminating their facts, but it's usually nothing more than horribly biased, exaggerated accounts of Catholic beliefs, which most Catholics disagree with.

There's far too much of this misinformation about, and as such there's even a general sentiment among protestants, particularly evangelicals that Catholics are "not real Christians"- this is just an accepted fact for many people.

I for one thing it's great that you're actually asking the question though, in a place where Catholics can respond, and without barging in with condemnation- it might seem that way superficially, but you're actually asking for verification of facts, not merely stating them. As such it's a shame this has been downvoted.

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