The time of Abraham


Accepted answer

A common theory about the Old Testament is that the writers reinterpreted legendary accounts of Abraham so that he was the father of other patriarchs. These other patriarch were themselves also legendary accounts of real people. Thus, Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, were probably men who never met each other, but legends developed about them throughout different areas of the Levant. The purpose for the writers positing Abraham as the "father of the fathers" was to unify the various tribes of the Levant. This view is forwarded in books like The Bible Unearthed. Some secular scholars hold to this view, but I unfortunately am not an expert on this subject. I cannot tell you if it's the majority view.

It's important to note that a large minority of Christians hold to non-literal views of the Old Testament. However, it is the case that the vast majority of Christians (especially occidental) hold to a strict non-allegorical interpretation of the Old Testament, and thus historical views like what you found on Wikipedia are precluded a priori.


A Note for Practicing Christians:

I myself am a Christian who does not care much about whether the Old Testament is complete history as the literalist depicts or if it's completely ad hoc as many non-Christians would prefer. My personal faith is in the bodily raised Christ, not on the historical particulars of an ancient scripture. I would encourage all Christians to put their faith in Christ, and not in a particular theory about scripture.

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