Why does St. Thomas Aquinas cite Proverbs 11:14 as Ecclesiastes 4:9?


In the 1982 edition of St. Thomas Aquinas's On Kingship translated by Gerald B. Phelan revised by I. Th. Eschmann, O.P. (as part of the Mediaeval Sources in Translation series) your sentence from paragraph 8 ends with a footnote to Prov 11:14 (see page 6):

In like manner, the body of a man or any other animal would disintegrate unless there were a general ruling force within the body which watches over the common good of all members. -- With this in mind, Solomon says: "Where there is no governor, the people shall fall." [footnote 7: Prov. xi, 14]

In the ESV translation, Proverbs 11 falls under the section Proverbs 10-24 titled "The Proverbs of Solomon" see pericope title for Prov. 10. This section is followed by another section "More Proverbs of Solomon" (Prov. 25-29). Therefore, Aquinas's attribution to Solomon is correct.

As for "governor" and the Latin Vulgate, you are correct that there seems to be a strong link (see Prov. 11 side by side Vulgate and D-R here):

Latin Vulgate:

Ubi non est gubernator, populus corruet; salus autem, ubi multa consilia.


Where there is no governor, the people shall fall: but there is safety where there is much counsel.

Naturally, the translator for "On Kingship" would use D-R since Aquinas must have used the Vulgate.

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