What is the base of the bible as the unique source of revelation?


Christians believe the Bible to be God's Word which is eternal and unchanging which is why we rely upon it as truth and revelation. Jesus is the Word made flesh - John 1:14. Which is also why Protestants rely upon scripture as our foundation for church traditions. Nothing within John 16:12-13 opposes that. Jesus is saying the Holy Spirit will come to reveal truth and guide them. In 2 John 1:12, the author is simply saying he is looking forward to visiting.


Scripture is an aspect of Revelation, but not the whole of it by any means.

The Revelation is Jesus Christ, and Scripture is part of Revelation only because of its relationship to Christ.

Some Protestants might not agree with me on this, but Apostolic Christianity sees unwritten Tradition, prayers, and the Divine Mysteries/Sacraments, especially the Divine Liturgy/ Mass, as Revelation as well as Scripture.

Christi pax,


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