What is meant by the 'Confirmation' concerning the receiving of Holy Spirit in Acts 8:5-19?


Accepted answer

The is from the perspective which is taught by a Word of Faith church.

One. If Phillip was able to perform miracles and baptize people, then what was the need for Peter and John to go to Samaria?

1 Cor 12:11: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

For whatever reason Phillip knew the Holy Spirit did not will for Him to lay hands on people and them have the miracle of the Holy Spirit fill them.

Two. Why was the Holy Spirit not given when Phillip baptized the people?

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not the same as being indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues is a different kind of miracle than the New Birth.

Three. What actually happened when Peter and John placed their hands on the people that even Simon the sorcerer was amazed at it?

Four. What kind of manifestation of the Spirit was it? Clearly it was visible and powerful.

They were filled with the Holy Spirit and they probably spoke in tongues but there may have also been:

  • Prophecy
  • Holy Laughter
  • Falling, shouting, dancing, shaking, paralysis.

Five. Why is this incidence known as Confirmation?

It is not known as confirmation in all Christian denominations.

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