What questions raised by ancient Greek philosophy were answered by Christianity?


  1. The eternity of the world is a major tenant of almost all the ancient Greek philosophers, including Plato and Aristotle. However, it is an article of the Faith (de fide) that the world had a beginning in time:

    John 17:5: “And now glorify thou me, O Father, with thyself, with the glory which I had before the world was with thee.”

    Eph. 1:4: “He chose us in Him (Christ) even before the foundation of the world.”

    Ps. 101:26: “In the beginning, O Lord, thou foundest the earth.”

    Cf. Gn. 1:1; Pro. 8:22 et seq.; Ps. 89:2; John 17:24.
    We also know that philosophical arguments cannot prove or disprove the eternity of the world (cf. St. Thomas Aquinas's S. th. I 46, 1 and De aeternitate mundi), thus the revelation of this truth by God was morally necessary.

  2. Creatio ex nihilo ("creation out of nothing") is another concept that Greek philosophers, including Aristotle, never arrived at. Creatio ex nihilo is proved in:

    Gn. 1:1: “In the beginning God created Heaven and earth.”


I won't give you a list of these questions for I don't know them but I think it is very important to know that Greeks, in their search for truth, somehow realized there should be a God to worship (distinct from the gods they had created in their mythology) so at the time when the apostles came, they had been worshipping a so-called 'Agnostos Theos' (The Unknown/Anonymous God). And apparently, at least, the Christian truth that was preached by Paul was exactly what they had been waiting for!

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