What is the biblical basis for giving the bread/wafer to the laity at the Eucharist but reserving the wine for the clergy?


Accepted answer

For a more historically detailed explanation, see my post.

Why does only the priest receive Communion under both kinds at a Catholic Mass?

In short, the common explanation that the laity should only receive the wafer, but not the wine, is fear of spillage. But the real reason is one of consecration. Only the priests could touch consecrated items, like the chalice. There was no way for the who might be the unclean laity to sip the wine.

But what is the Biblical Basis for this practice?

The Bible speaks about consecration of various objects under the Mosaic Law.

For example, the Aaronic Priests were consecrated, their clothes, the offerings, the Tabernacle, and many other items.

What of the New? Good question. There is a sense of the profane and the holy. Perhaps this could lead to a plausible answer.


The laity is not prevented from receiving Communion in both forms. In fact, when the congregation is small, say two dozen people, many celebrants administer Communion in both forms. For this, the celebrant holds the chalice along with a small plate containing just enough number of hosts, with the left hand and after dipping each host in the chalice, places in on the tongue (not on the palms) of the recipient. This practice is in vogue in convents where a limited number of Sisters attend the Holy Mass.

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