Are There Names for the Sundays in Eastertide?


Are There Names for the Sundays in Eastertide?

The short answer is yes. But it will depend on the denomination and century involved as the Catholic Church has actually adapted a new Liturgical Calendar in 1969.

Eastertide or Paschaltide is a festal season in the liturgical year of Christianity that focuses on celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It begins on Easter Sunday, which initiates Easter Week in Western Christianity, and Bright Week in Eastern Christianity. There are several Eastertide customs across the Christian world, including sunrise services, exclaiming the Paschal greeting, clipping the church, and decorating Easter eggs, a symbol of the empty tomb. The Easter lily, a symbol of the resurrection, traditionally serve as the chancel flowers that decorate the chancel area of churches throughout Eastertide. Other Eastertide customs include egg hunting, eating special Easter foods and watching Easter parades.

The first eight days constitute the Octave of Easter and are celebrated as solemnities of the Lord.

First Sunday of Easter

  • Easter Sunday
  • Sunday of the Resurrection of Out Lord Jesus Christ

Second Sunday of Easter

  • Divine Mercy Sunday
  • Quasimodo Sunday
  • Bright Sunday
  • Low Sunday
  • Sunday in Albis
  • Antipascha (Eastern Christianity)
  • New Sunday
  • Renewal Sunday
  • Thomas Sunday

Third Sunday of Easter

  • Misericordia Sunday
  • Good Shepherd Sunday (Extraordinary Form of the Mass)
  • Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers (Greek Orthodox Church)

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Fifth Sunday of Easter

  • Cantate Sunday (Extraordinary Form of the Mass of the Catholic Church)
  • Sunday of the Samaritan Woman (Greek Orthodox)
  • Fifth Sunday of Holy Pascha [Greek Orthodox)

Sixth Sunday of Easter

  • Sunday of the Man Born Blind (Oriental Churches)
  • Ascension of Our Lord Sunday (when transferred as a feast in the Ordinary Form of the Catholic Church)
  • Rogation Sunday

Seventh Sunday of Easter

  • β€œExaudi” Sunday (Extraordinary Form)
  • Sunday of the Roses
  • β€œSecond feast of the flowers" (Armenian)

Eighth Sunday of Easter

  • Pentecost
  • Whit Sunday

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