In the offices of Matins Vespers and other hours (e.g., Lauds) in the extraordinary form, the Latin equivalent of "Thanks be to God" β "Deo Gratias" after the lessons, after the chapter, and after the concluding "Bendicamus Domino" [Let us bless the Lord]. Some of these responses are part of the Liturgy of the Word, the response to the Benedicamus Domino is part of the dismissal.
Since you only mention the mass and not a denomination, I'll assume you mean in the Catholic Church. However, the same will apply for most liturgical traditions
After each of the first (often Old Testament) and second ( New Testament) lessons, the reader will say
The word of the Lord
to which the people respond
Thanks be to God.
The Gospel reading is announced by
A reading from the holy Gospel according to N.
The people respond
Glory to you, Lord.
After the Gospel reading, the reader says
The Gospel of the Lord.
The people respond
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ
At the end of the mass, the people are dismissed with (or something similar)
Go forth, the Mass is ended
And again the people respond
Thanks be to God