Is Deism in Christianity possible? If so, what does it look like?


Deism certainly has the ability to be compatible with the moral teachings of Jesus. A Deist could welcome the moral philosophy of Jesus, while also remain detached from the metaphysical nature of Christianity. This type of so-called "Christian Deism" was discussed by John Locke and especially Thomas Jefferson.


The answer is no, Deism cannot be reconciled with Christianity; they are 2 very different theological philosophies.

Deism is a metaphysical philosophy which acknowledges the existence of a single God who has served and continues to serve as the indispensable foundation for existence or perhaps as the Origin of Existence. The Deistic God is outside the realm of physical and specifically, human activity and is therefore impersonal, as well as lacking the characteristics of personification. (Even referring to the Deistic God, as "He", is actually incorrect and instead, the use of the word, "It", is more consistent with its true definition and meaning). I would argue that Deism probably has a much closer intellectual connection with Aristotle's, "Metaphysics" than with the Christian God-(or Theism in general).

(Note: I am a member of the History Stack Exchange).

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