Was Jesus obligated to answer the High Priest that he was the son of God?


It doesn't posit much difference in the meaning even if you use all the words such as forced, compelled, adjured, demanded, charged, obligated etc. The whole idea is that the high priest was looking for a way to force Jesus condemn himself to death. Many accusers came forward but no one was able to find any appropriate charges to put Jesus to death. The high priest, knowing that Jesus would not lie in the name of God, forced Jesus to confess in public that he was the Son of God. According to Jewish Law, blaspheming God deserved a death punishment. When Jesus admitted that he was the Son of God, the high priest now got the opportunity to sentence Jesus to death.

The sad side of this story is that even though they knew that Jesus would not lie when swearing in the name of God, they took Jesus' answer as blasphemy. Their hearts were hardened. They could not see the Messiah standing before them but they only saw a man claiming to be the Messiah.

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