Does Hebrews 4:12 imply that unspoken good intentions might justify sins?


Accepted answer

It is arguably the same writer (opinions differ on Paul writing Hebrews) who wrote :

And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just. Romans 3:8 [KJV].

Romans 3:8 would be a resounding 'No' to your question, I believe.

To do evil that good may come out of it is worthy of 'damnation' (or 'condemnation' as some translate the word).

You suggest yourself that harm is done to certain persons - and that should never be, for any reason whatsoever.

That fact alone should stop someone doing whatever it is that they are doing.

As to the terribly difficult situations that people find themselves in (maybe through no fault of their own) or into which they are forced by coercion, brutality and sheer terror, well, who can utter condemnation in such cases ?

As I suggested in my comment : context is so important.

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