Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in ghosts (or what-ever these may be)?


Accepted answer

Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in ghosts. They believe that humans return to dust and do not continue to live beyond the grave. (Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalm 146:4) Every supernatural occurrence is the result of either angels, demons (wicked angels), or the holy spirit. The acts of demons are very easy to pick out, because they don't do anything to further God's will, don't result in the fruitages of the spirit, or they clearly contradict what's written in the Bible.

I'm glad that you've not experienced any of these events yourself, because they can be quite dangerous to both your faith and health. It's important to learn the truth about the supernatural so that you can protect yourself from the direct influence of demons. If you seek out the supernatural, you will find it.

This is the Bible's advice summarized here:

  • Learn to recognize the Devil’s methods so that you are “not ignorant of his designs.” —2 Corinthians 2:11.
  • Take in knowledge from the Bible, and then apply what you learn. Applying Bible principles will protect you from the Devil’s influence. —Ephesians 6:11-18.
  • Get rid of anything connected with demon activity. (Acts 19:19) That includes music, books, magazines, posters, and videos that encourage spiritism.

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While researching premise of my third novel, I learned from the SE experts, from books like Oliver Sachs' --Hallucinations-- and George Musser's --Spooky Actions at a Distance-- and many others, that "Science" does not admit any paranormal, near-death, out of body, or other such events because there has never been any scientifically-proven evidence of these--and, I have been convinced that that is true. However, I had a "visitation" type experience when I was eleven. The short version is: Lying in my bottom bunk bed (lil brother on top bunk) a man walked in and put his hand, palm down, over my face for a moment. He soon walked out into the hallway--gone. It wasn't my father, bc he grabbed his gun when I ("white as a sheet") told him. I have regular discussions w/JWs and they affirm biblical angels, and demons. Not ghosts. I agree, despite my and others' experiences. I too believe that angels and demons exist (The Bible is my reference). 4castle's statements in they're regards are logical. Now, all of "Science" cannot locate any evidence of something which survives the death and decomposition of the body. Neither has it ever discovered any 'observable' evidence of God (Jehovah?). But there are many verses attesting to God's abilities to confound and confuse Man. Maybe that is why Science is unwilling to say when a fetus becomes a human being. The answer would require either a guess or a conviction of faith. Regardless, there is an answer. Some answers involve a logical "Faith"!

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