What is an overview of resurrection events in the New Testament?


For an overview of sorts, one could look to the Diatessaron of Tatian. It is an early harmony of the Gospels - written in Syriac, probably in the 2nd century - that was the basis for a respected Gospel commentary by Ephrem the Syrian. [If I am not mistaken, the oldest Latin Gospel manuscripts in existence are in the form of a Diatessaron, but I might be recalling incorrectly.] The Resurrection accounts are in Sections 52 through 55, starting here. New Advent provides links to all of the actual Gospel verses indicated.

Another approach might be to consult the Eusebian Canons, compiled in the early 4th century, which cross-reference Gospel passages to one another. This is not an overview as requested, but could serve as a tool for creating one's own overview if the Diatessaron is found lacking. The only online version of the Eusebian tables I am aware of is here.

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