Will people in hell be able to remember people in heaven?


Accepted answer

Yes, those in hell can remember their past life; no, I know for a fact (according to the Bible; if you don't consider the Bible a valid source, then I got nothin :) ) that it doesn't apply in either. (Didn't want to just say "yes" or "no" because that would have been ambiguous.)

In Luke 16:19-31, the rich man in hell pleads for Abraham to allow Lazarus, a man he knew during his time on earth (not the Lazarus in John 11), to bring him even a drop of water from heaven. Clearly, the rich man remembers Lazarus, even though he is in hell (and Lazarus is in heaven). Also, Abraham remembers not only the rich man's identity, but also the things he did. Also, since Abraham had likely never met the rich man or Lazarus during their earthly lives, we can assume that those in heaven also know/remember the people they did know on earth, regardless of the final destination (heaven or hell) of either. The rich man also remembers the people he left behind and begs Abraham to send someone to warn them about hell.

Additionally, the Bible says we will be rewarded in heaven for the things we do for Christ. I'm trying to imagine what it would be like if nobody remembered anything:

God: Hey, great job. Here is your crown; it's got orange on it 'cause you really like orange. I really loved your dedication to Me in your workplace, even when it meant not getting that promotion.
Person: ...Thank you? I don't know what any of this is for? (Neat. I guess I like orange.)

I feel like the passage about wiping tears away means that the things that pain and upset us now won't matter anymore in heaven, and not necessarily that we won't remember that they ever happened.

No matter what heaven's like, though, I'm sure God will get it just right :)


Again, nice question.

I have read books about people who have had an experience of visiting hell and then coming back to earth by God's will and they all wrote that they had absolutely no concept of God in hell. In my thinking, I would imagine Satan NOT wanting memory of God or heaven in his kingdom, but God is also more powerful than Satan.

I believe there is a Bible verse somewhere, but honestly can't recall it.

My personal belief based on the things I've heard/read, you can not remember heaven, perhaps people who died and went to heaven, but not God or heaven itself.



In the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus....the rich man remember his brothers still on the earth and ask Abraham if Lazarus could be sent back to warn them of this place of torment. Your memories are with you in hell...also notice he never complained why he was there as he knew full well...

The flip side of the question will us in heaven have knowledge of family in hell I dont believe we will...its says in Isa 65:17 "See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind." We will have no knowledge ... We will serve the Lord forever in bliss, joy and love...those in hell will have full knowledge, and accusing conscience and be tormented forever without any rest...alone.

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