Is it ever revealed that Paul released those that he imprisoned?


No where in the NT does it suggest that Saul/Paul was able to undo his wrong in persecuting the Christians after his conversion. He himself became the object of persecution himself so he would have had no power with the Jewish authorities and it was they that eventually organised his arrest. The persecutors are never concerned about Justice and can justify the most terrible wrong in their religious zeal - just think about the miscarriages of justice around Jesus's trial.


No. There is nowhere that suggests that Paul released the Chrisitians he imprisoned.

And we can't even assume that those he imprisoned were still under his control after he "committed them to prison." (Though if he could free them, it's reasonable to assume he would have.)

Paul's repentance (or what we know of it) was his ministry.

Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem...

But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel...

And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him...

And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.

But all that heard him were amazed, and said; Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests?

But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ.

Acts 9:13-22

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