Am I a party to the covenant of atonement?


If you are "in Christ", then any reward, inheritance, covenant, etc. that is given to Him is given to you. Gal 2:20. You are a joint-heir with Christ. Rom 8:17


The Atonement of Christ was shadowed by the sacrificial ceremonies of Israel. An unblemished (perfect) lamb was selected to be sacrificed as an innocent substitute for a man's sin. This was a partial atonement for sin and needed to be repeated for continued atonement.

God told us in Genesis that He would send us a Messiah who would be the one atonement through His substitutionary death, in place of the innocent unblemished lamb.

Christ's atoning Crucifixion was completed through the Life of Jesus in several key ways: 1) He completely and perfectly fulfilled all the Mosaic Law. 2) He was miraculously born without sin by way of a virgin and the Holy Spirit. 3) He remained sinless and avoided all temptation to his humanity. 4) He remained in full obedience to His Heavenly father until His death.

Because of all this, God accepted him as the unblemished and fully innocent Lamb who was qualified to be an atoning agent for the sin of the world.

Since all humanity inherited a sin nature, there is no way that we as individuals can participate in this atoning process. The Atonement of Christ was sufficient to cover all the sins of humanity, but is efficacious only for those who respond to the call of God. This is not all of humanity, but is dependent on who God in His own good pleasure, decides to regenerate as a gift of grace. So even beyond the Atonement, we do not participate in Gods work of salvation, because of our inability to do so.

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