Variations in the Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina) prayer


Accepted answer

I would call the vale/valley question inconsequential -- they both mean the same thing in English and are both accurate renditions of the Latin valle. But I suppose there's an official translation of the Salve in the Liturgy of the Hours, since it's the standard post-Compline anthem for most of the year. So that could settle the question, in a sense.

On the other hand, using 'advocate' as a verb would be fairly inconsistent with the Latin:

Eia ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte

advocata nostra ("our advocate") is a noun phrase in the vocative case -- it's the person being addressed. The verb in the sentence is converte, which is usually rendered "turn".

That said, even in "the Latin" there are variants. Carthusians, for example, open the prayer thus (IIRC):

Salve Regina misericordiae vitae dulcedo et spes nostra

I.e., "Hail Queen of mercy, life's sweetness and our hope" -- where the standard Roman edition has:

Salve Regina mater misericordiae vita dulcedo et spes nostra

I.e., "Hail Queen, mother of mercy, our life, sweetness, and hope".

So it seems like organic variations that don't do violence to the prayer are well-warranted in the tradition.

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