Identifying Saints in Icon


Accepted answer

Based on the Slavonic, these are the unmercenary healers Saints Cosmas and Damian.

And yes, the icon above them is known as the Image of Edessa in some traditions, and in Orthodoxy the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands.


The one on the left is holding a glass container in his right hand as if to collect the precious blood gushing out if the Sacred Heart . He must be St. Longinus who is believed to have pierced the Sacred Heart. The one on the right has a wound mark on his hand. He must be St Dismas, the Good Thief .


Identifying Saints in Icon?

I believe the two saints in the above icon are the the Christian martyrs Saints Cosmas and Damian

Saints Cosmas and Damian (died c. AD 287) were two Arab physicians in the town Cyrrhus, and were reputedly twin brothers, and early Christian martyrs. They practised their profession in the seaport of Aegeae, then in the Roman province of Syria.

As early as the 4th century, churches dedicated to the twin saints were established at Jerusalem, in Egypt and in Mesopotamia. Devotion to the two saints spread rapidly in both East and West. Theodoret records the division of their reputed relics.

Saints ANARGYROI Cosmas Damian Antique Greek Orthodox Print Icon on Wood

Saints Cosmas Damian Antique Greek Orthodox Print Icon on Wood

The two saints are definitely the twin brothers Cosmas and Damian.

It seems probable that the icon indeed dates from the 18th century, but it would have to be properly evaluated by experts, such as historians found at a major and well known museums.

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