What was the normal way to cross the Jordan River during first century in Israel?


The first thing I want to do is define this word ford. It is a shallow place with good footing where a river or stream may be crossed by wading. A ford is mostly a natural phenomenon, in contrast to a low water crossing, which is an artificial bridge that allows the crossing of a river or stream when water is low. So with lack of a better term it would be a ford Crossing.

Although there were no bridges until the time of the Romans, there were some 54 fords which were used as a place to cross the Jordan river in ancient times. I will give a couple of examples from scripture of where a ford is used to describe a place of a river crossing, Genesis 32:22 Jacob crossed the ford of Jabbok and Deuteronomy 3:20 where David crossed the fords of the wilderness.

Additionally there is at lest one example from scripture that a ferry boat was used. This should not surprise us because they date back as far as ancient Egypt as a mode of transportation. All through-out history and scripture we see the use of boats and or ferries. Israel in the first century would not be any different.

2 Samuel 19 17-23

There were a thousand men of Benjamin with him, (David) and Ziba the servant of Saul, and his fifteen sons and his twenty servants with him;and they went over the Jordan before the King. 18 Then a ferry boat went across to ferry over the kings household, and do what he thought was right.(NKJV)

In some instances it was just a miracle.

joshua 3:15-16

It was the harvest season and the banks of the Jordan were over flowing its banks.But as soon as feet of the priest who were carrying the Ark touched the water at the river's edge (16) the water above that point begin backing up at a town called Adam (NLT)

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