Are there any buildings standing that Jesus visited?


The Archaeological Study Bible in my possession has many photos of places excavated where Jesus may have been near. Many are ruins, of course. Here is a short list.

  • p312: Walls of Jericho.

  • p1584: "Herod the Great's lavish palaces in Jerusalem, Masada and Jericho."

  • p1591, 1643: "the synagogue of Capernaum."

  • p1623: "Archaeological excavations conducted beneath the Church of the Annunciation have revealed that ancient Nazareth was an agricultuural village. Pottery was found ther dating from the Iron Age II (900-600 B.C....)"

  • p1627: Herod's palace at Jericho has been excavated. The Herodium near Bethlehem was excavated.

  • p1651: "Temple to Ceasar near the Cave of Pan at Caesarea Philippi" lies in ruins.

  • p1728: "Pools of Bethesda in Jerusalem" were excavated.

  • p1739: "The Pool of Siloam." Evidence shows that this pool was used in Jesus' day.


Many smaller locations are often debated.

Herodian architecture is unique and identifiable, making it a good reference for what was around at the time of Jesus' birth. Unfortunately, only one Herodian building is still standing: The Enclosure of theΒ Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron.

The Wailing Wall was also standing there in Jesus' day, but it is hardly a standing building.

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