What is the Catholic understanding of 'reign with him' in 2 Tim 2:12?


Accepted answer

I have always understood it as being connected with the Mystical Body of Christ. If we endure, stay firmly connected to the Mystical Body, then just as Christ is the King of the Universe, we are also part of that kingship by our connection to Him.


According to the vision of Brother Pacificus, the throne of Lucifer was reserved for the St. Francis of Assisi. From this I infer that the other thrones of the fallen angels are available to other saints.

Excerpt from "The Mirror of Perfection by Brother Leo of Assisi"

In the morning Brother Pacificus returned to him. Blessed Francis was standing before the altar in prayer, and Brother Pacificus remained outside the choir, also praying before the crucifix. And while he was absorbed in prayer he was lifted up in spirit and rapt into heaven, whether in the body or out of the body God alone knoweth; and he saw in heaven very many seats, and one amongst them was raised above the others, glorious to behold, adorned with splendour and many precious stones, so that he marvelled at its great beauty, and wondered whose seat this could be. And he heard a voice that said: "This was the seat of Lucifer, and in his place will be seated the humble Francis."


This may be the answer: We Just don't know!

1 Jn 3:2 (RSVCE)
2 Beloved, we are God’s children now; it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

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