What is the Biblical basis that individual gifts can be revoked by God?


Yes, that is a wrestling of scripture. The gifts in question here have more to do with God's plan for Israel, and more generally irrevocable covenants and irrevocable gifts such as Marriage and Baptism. See also Numbers 23:19 ("I was summoned to bless; I will bless; I cannot revoke it!").

The Bible is pretty clear, though: God will not revoke gifts and callings. You may have problems taking an approach that contradicts this... in addition to the problems you already face in explaining that passage to those who do not want to hear.

Consider the following, though:

  • Adam and Eve lost, among other things, the gift of eternal life
  • Samson lost his gift of strength, granted due to having been "a nazirite for God from my mother’s womb" (Judges 16:17)
  • Even Judas seems to have been chosen by Jesus in Luke 6:13, but should one follow Judas?
  • You might also mention figures like the Egyptian magicians and their staffs-turned-snakes, who could perform magic tricks, but who were not of God

The most appropriate way to address this might be to point out that, though God does not revoke His gifts, people may reject them through their own sin.

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