What is the significance of Eve being created as a "helper fit for [Adam]?"


Accepted answer

The following is taken from a wonderful book called Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith by Marvin R. Wilson. It explains that an understanding of early Jewish culture helps to understand how they understood scripture. With this understanding, some scripture takes on a different meaning than we would expect today. Just as some phrases we understand to mean certain things during our time, like “I can dig it,” “That’s groovy,” “That’s fly,” etc. may not be recognized, or translated, to have the same meaning they had in the ‘70s, 2,000 years from now.

“Genesis 2:18, 20 state that the woman is created to be ezer kenegdo. Rabbi David Freedman has pointed out that the word ezer, often translated “helper,” actually means “power” (or “strength”), as demonstrated by its use elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible. Furthermore, he takes kenegdo, an expression rendered “suitable for him” (NIV), as meaning one “equal to him,” a rendering based on later Mishnaic Hebrew. Thus, when God says he will make a “helper suitable for him (i.e., the man),” he likely means that woman is a power equal to a man; she is his match; she corresponds to him in every way. Indeed, “woman was not intended to be merely man’s helper. She was to be instead his partner.” Man and woman are symbolically matched to one another in a mutually dependent relationship — hence the expression “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).”

I am not sure what you mean by significance of Eve being created “as a helper…” However, with an understanding of the original Hebrew text, the role of “helper” is significantly deeper than it seems on the surface. It appears, using the Hebrew text, that Eve was created to lift Adam up during times of weakness, or need, bringing him strength (or power), as an equal partner rather than taking the role of a servant as many interpret this passage today.

If “by the inner being of a woman” you are asking about her receiving the “breath of life”, or the ability to receive the Holy Spirit, I would have to respond that if she were not able to have full understanding, or receive these, then God would not have bothered to throw her out of the garden with Adam. She would have been treated like any other animal in creation. (You know, hit her with a rolled up newspaper, or something.)

I do accept literal interpretation (correct interpretation). I believe Eve was made a “power (or strength) equal to him” (ezer kenegdo).


Shes definitely subservient. It also appears elsewhere in the bible stating that man is the image of god, and women are the image of man. And that man should have authority over women.


Catholics are not bound to not take a literal view of Genesis so I think I can reasonably take a stab at this one.

And personally, I do believe this part to be oh so very true since it explains humanity so well.

In Bl. Pope John Paul II's addresses known as the Theology of the Body (TOB), he elaborates on this part of Genesis in light of what Our Lord says about marriage and the meaning of the sexes.

From a TOB standpoint, regardless of how literal or allegorical you take Genesis 2:23, the fact the Eve was taken from Adam means that:

  1. They're made of the same stuff.
  2. But, man, through God's plan creates, by giving of himself.

    Each man is the first man (the adam) of his progeny

  3. Woman is the receiver, through God's plan for her life.

    Each woman is mother of all the living (the eve) of her progeny.

The TOB in a nutshell is that man (or the masculine) is the giver and woman (the feminine) is the receiver. And if that relationship is to be good, as God created it, it is to be a loving relationship. It doesn't mean subjugation for women.

In light of Genesis 2:18, you may be led to believe the Eve is the perfect helper of Adam. But, if God had created woman first, she would have been in a similar predicament in the company of all the beasts.

This “man” refers to the human person, and not just to the male.


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