Is the social teaching of the Catholic Church entirely geared toward Western democracies?


It should be well note that Christianity teaching is on social impact and not on political impact. Jesus teaches us to love, for all good intention originated from love, such as

  • the capable peoples help the poor, the widows and the kids
  • the stronger minds humble themselves amongst people of weak conscience

In general understanding, the people with dominant power must not use their advantage to suppress the weak, instead, they should participate actively to help the weak.

The principle above, is theoretically applicable to all kinds of political system. Practically, only democratic system allow a peaceful transfer of power in most of the time.

The democratic system is developing more steadily in Christian society, more or less is Christianity suppress personal ambition on top of social need. Though democratic system had been developed prior to Christianity, but we can see the Greek and Rome, their national council didn't last, and eventually be overturned by powerful militaries.

Therefore, although Christianity teaching does not aim on political impact, yet it forms a key function in the western democratic system. The social welfare, tax redistribution are all based on it.

However, we must be aware of the merging of social teaching of Christianity and western democracies is never a perfect. Humankind is in general weak to withstand the temptation of holding their power, once they own it. And therefore putting social need in priority of personal ambition is far from perfect. However, democracy is still the best of the worst if we admitted human are weak and we don't want to see bloodshed in our lifetime.

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