Let us leave aside the age of Jacob, it is possible to deduce the a number of other facts about his chronology.
All this means that Jacob was married to Rachel for some time between about 15 years and 22 years. The uncertainty arises from the unknown time between Jacob leaving Paddan-aram and arriving in Ephrath which was presumably at least 2 years (with Bethel in between) and when Joseph was 17 years old.
My best guess (that is all) is that they were married for about 18 years on the basis that it was about 5 years between Paddan-aram and Ephrath and about 6 years before Joseph's 17 birthday. [That is Joseph was about 11 years old when Rachel died??] But that is a guess.
scholars like william skinner and adam clarke have proposed 40 years for this span of time instead of 20. and Biblical Chronogical studies has provided evidence from Esau's chronology. please read and comment.
You're right, we're never given Benjamin's age so we can't link him to his brothers that way. We can, however, follow the chronology and the geography to know within about a year how long Jacob and Rachel were married. This isn't such a straightforward task, though, since the chronology of Genesis is confusing. At one point a decade passes between 2 verses (Genesis 33:17-18), then the narration continues forward without mentioning Joseph being sold by his brothers.
Then a few chapters later (Genesis 37) it goes back to that point (at the end of the fast-forwarded decade) and picks up the narrative from a Joseph's perspective and shows the events that led to Jacob abandoning his house in Succoth.
Knowing they arrived in Succoth when Joseph was 6 and that they left when he (and Dinah) was 17, we can say they were married about 25 years when she died. Here's how we get that number:
Now they've been married 7 years.
Now they've been married 13 years. Joseph and Dinah are 6 years old.
It's now been 11 years since they left Haran (Joseph was 6, now is 17. Dinah is also 17). So now they've been married 24 years.
We're not told exactly how long after they left Succoth that Benjamin was born, but it was likely in the first year or two. We know this because Benjamin was a father when they went into Egypt 22 years after leaving Succoth (Joseph 17 years old - 39 years old)