Historicity of which Biblical characters is recognized by Archaeology/History?


According to the so called "low chronology" described by Professor Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University, the six-chambered gates, palaces, and stabes at Megiddo previously ascribed to Solomon by Yadin and Dever were actually built about a hundred years later by Omri and Ahab, kings of the northern kingdom of Israel. David and Solomon are likely to be actual historical kings of the southern kingdom of Judah, but they were little more than rulers of a poor and sparsley populated highland chiefdom and not the powerful kings of a grand united monarchy of Israel and Judah combined into a singe nation as described in the Bible because no such thing existed at the time. For more information please read the book called "The Forgotten Kingdom" by Israel Finkelstein or simply google "low chronology"or "Israel Finkelstein" or search for these phrases in Youtube for his really excellent and often humorous lectures on this subject. Incidentally, low chronology is supported by radiocarbon dating of the relevant strata of archaeological excavations in the holy lands. In an article I wrote I showed that these radiocarbon dates are sufficiently precise to differentiate between the time of Solomon and that of the rise of the Omride Dynasty in the north. My article may be found here.


The Forgotten Kingdom is available at amazon.com of course but I believe it is also available as a pdf file online. Please try this link. It should work.



There are tons of resources. I've never seen an itemized list, but I've seen dozens of resources like this one.

Of course, you'll find that some findings are disputed, and as is the case with any science, new discoveries often change existing assumptions, so such a list would be ever-changing.

There is list of 61 such people here.

More at this set of search results.

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