Do any church fathers interpret Luke 18:17 as teaching the necessity of infant baptism?


Accepted answer

Yes – in a letter to Augustine, Pope Innocent I interprets this passage as supporting the teaching that the baptism of infants is necessary for their salvation. He writes:

That other doctrine which your Fraternity claims that [Pelagius and other heretics] preach, that little children can attain the reward of eternal life without the grace of baptism, is very foolish. [...] Those who claim this for them without regeneration seem to me to wish to nullify baptism, since they teach that these children have what they believe is not to be bestowed on them in baptism even by themselves. If, then, they do not wish anything to stand in their way, let them confess that there is no need of rebirth and that the sacred stream of regeneration has no effect. But in order to disarm the vicious doctrine of vain men by the swift reasoning of truth, the Lord proclaims this in the Gospel by saying: "Suffer the little children and forbid them not to come to me." (Letter 182, January 27, 417)

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