What is a word to describe someone who is not a Protestant?


Orthodox Christian is the closest I can think of, but wouldnt necessarily include Catholics. Orthodox Christians differ from Protestants in a number of ways including Salvation.



Protestants are those who protest the Catholic Church

In course of time the original connotation of "no toleration for Catholics" was lost sight of, and the term is now applied to, and accepted by, members of those Western Churches and sects which, in the sixteenth century, were set up by the Reformers in direct opposition to the Catholic Church. The same man may call himself Protestant or Reformed: the term Protestant lays more stress on antagonism to Rome; the term Reformed emphasizes adherence to any of the Reformers. Where religious indifference is prevalent, many will say they are Protestants, merely to signify that they are not Catholics. In some such vague, negative sense, the word stands in the new formula of the Declaration of Faith to be made by the King of England at his coronation; viz.: "I declare that I am a faithful Protestant". During the debates in Parliament it was observed that the proposed formula effectively debarred Catholics from the throne, whilst it committed the king to no particular creed, as no man knows what the creed of a faithful Protestant is or should be.

Catholic Encyclopedia - Protestantism

If a "faithful Protestant" like the Queen Elizabeth dropped her protest, she'd be dropping her protest not against Hinduism or Islam or the Orthodox Church, but the Pope and Catholicism.

So, I think, the question either means, a person who is not a Protestant is a Catholic or the question is kind of meaninglessness.

Also, the part about "reformed" from the Old Catholic Encyclopedia is apparently dated. Either that definition only applied to Catholic perceptions or it isn't true and only ever referred to Calvinists (or 5 people on this website are wrong, which hardly seems likely)


I believe the correct answer is that there is no such term that has attained any significant level of recognition.

That said, the largely unrecognised terms Ancient-rite Christians / Ancient-rite Churches may be suitable for what you are seeking although they wouldn't exclude Oriental Orthodoxy if that is an important distinction.

We could no doubt multiply potential alternatives eg. Pre-Reformation Churches, Apostolic Successionists, 7-Council Churches (Adherants of the Seven widely recognised Ecumenical Councils); but they are, in the main, no less problematic and considerably clumsier, including your suggestions of Patriarchal Churches / Patriarchal Rite Churches which could perhaps be viewed as technically descriptive, but are more likely to be confusing given the very different roles Patriarchates now play within the Traditions in question.

For almost any term you select, there will most likely be Traditions, sects or denominations that will challenge it's validity - eg. considering where the Czechoslovak Hussite Church fits in is always going to be problematic.

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