What is a "just cause" in the context of Code of Canon Law, Canon 308?


What is a β€œjust cause” in the context of Code of Canon Law, Canon 308?

First of all let us look at what Canon 308 actually states:

Can. 308 No one legitimately enrolled is to be dismissed from an association except for a just cause according to the norm of law and the statutes.

A Catholic commentary say the following about this particular canon:

Even if Canon 304, n.1 does not require that the conditions for dismissal for an association of the faithful be written into the statues, it goes without saying, since in any case they included in the conditions of admission. In effect, if people wish to be admitted into an association, they must make a commitment to espouse it’s purposes, mode of action, government, etc. However, that is not sufficient. The statues protect the rights and duties of the members, as well as of the association itself; they must specify what causes will justify a dismissal, and even the procedures that will lead to it.

Generally speaking a just cause is normally interpreted as as reasonable cause.

We have many different types of associations in our parish. Once again our pastor has told me that dismissal from an association is done by the association against a member for any number of just reasons.

However, if a member desires to leave an association or confraternity, one is quite free to do so under no penalty of sin, since vows are not taken in order to become a member. Membership in many such said associations or confraternities, in fact are open to children.

One is free to leave a confraternity and remain in good standing. Readmission is thus also possible, if desired at a later date.

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