Churches in the UCC can sanctify same-sex unions.[28] The resolution "In support of equal marriage rights for all", supported by an estimated 80% of the UCC's 2005 general synod delegates, made the United Church of Christ the first major Christian deliberative body in the U.S. to make a statement of support for "equal marriage rights for all people, regardless of gender," and is hitherto the largest Christian denominational entity in the U.S. supporting same-sex marriage.[29] This resolution (and the sanctification of same-sex marriages), however, is not supported by some congregations.[29] Of particular note, the Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Puerto Rico, a long-standing conference within the UCC, voted by a 3–1 margin to withdraw its affiliation with the UCC over the same-sex marriage issue.[30] And the Biblical Witness Fellowship, a conservative evangelical organization that is a small but vocal voice within the denomination, accepts only heterosexual marriage.[31]