Work, Love, and Buddhism in the modern setting


Accepted answer

Would it be possible to maintain a career, one that you dedicate a lot of time towards and that you actively pursue, while still devoting your life to Buddhism?

Vanijja Sutta - On Business

Even if one is very busy with work, try to incorporate generosity, even encouraging words, an uplifting smile, live a harmless and balanced life, speak kind and truthful words, devote some time to dhamma study (say even 15 mins of reading the suttas), practice and develop even one of the four factors of mindfulness, or even one of the four right efforts, occassinally reflect on one of the three characteristics, or the dependent origination, such a person can be said to be devoted to the Dhamma.

Would it be possible to maintain a physical and emotional relationship with someone?

Suttas in relation to Nakula Matha and Nakula Pita will be helpful. They wanted to be husband and wife in the next life as well and the Buddha instructed them how to do so :)

Hope this helps even a little. May you be happy

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