What does one need to give, for liberation?


You don't give in any thing to Nibbana but you realise Nibbana. Once you realise Nibbana you release from gross factors to subtle factors gradually and develop Bodhiakkhiyadharma.



Then Ven. Sariputta went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed down to him and sat to one side. As he was sitting there, the Blessed One said to him, "Sariputta, how many are the strengths of a monk whose effluents are ended, endowed with which he affirms the ending of the effluents (thus): 'The effluents are ended in me'?"

"Eight, lord, are the strengths of a monk whose effluents are ended, endowed with which he affirms the ending of the effluents (thus): 'The effluents are ended in me.' Which eight?



"What does one need to give, for liberation?"

His self.

Once the self is given, it is realised that nothing is ever given nor taken.

Giving or taking are just mere concepts ... illusions ... not truth.

It is within this realisation of the truth that liberation is achieved.

But again ...

Achieving or not achieving are just mere concepts ... illusions ... not truth.

It is within this realisation of the truth that liberation is achieved.


Friendliness. Compassion. Joy for others. Equanimity

Cultivate these states within yourself and send the feeling out to all beings. Anything experienced from developing these skilful states, give.


Do you mean what you need to give up in order to become free from suffering?

Dhammapada 221 says:

Give up anger, abandon conceit, overcome all fetters. Ills of life (dukkha) do not befall one who does not cling to mind and body and is free from moral defilements.


All you have to give up are your preconceptions. All you need to give is your trust in the process.

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