If someone steals my goods/harms me then is it ok to take revenge on him/her?


Accepted answer

I think that the opening verses of the Dhammapada, for example, make it clear that "revenge" is not a way to appease emnity; and that "the wise" would "cease their quarrels" instead.

  1. "He abused me, he ill-treated me, he got the better of me, he stole my belongings;"... the enmity of those harbouring such thoughts cannot be appeased.

  2. "He abused me, he ill-treated me, he got the better of me, he stole my belongings;"... the enmity of those not harbouring such thoughts can be appeased.

  3. Hatred is, indeed, never appeased by hatred in this world. It is appeased only by loving-kindness. This is an ancient law.

  4. People, other than the wise, do not realize, "We in this world must all die," (and, not realizing it, continue their quarrels). The wise realize it and thereby their quarrels cease.

The problem seems to arise with the initial thought, "someone has done some big bad thing to me". I think that's the kind of problem which the doctrines of anatta and averena are meant to help solve.


Justice can be performed peacefully; without anger & violence. Simply use the police.


No. Consider the phrase "revenge is like a boomarang, it just keeps coming back"

In fact from a karmic view point revenge is just ensuring you will experience like in the future.

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