Books on meditation?




Mahasi Sayadaw's Manual of Insight is a good text for the development of concentration leading to midfulness & alertness. There are imho definitely some thing or things wrong in the Manual and i can't for sure know the extent of wrongness but i would still recommend it just because it is so comprehensive. As for the alleged wrongness therein i recommend you train and study to find out for yourself.

Similarly a Ledi Sayadaw's Manual of Breathing presents a quite practical exposition of the commentarial and the author's interpretation of some Sutta. Whether these interpretations are accurate is imo besides the point because i think the manual outlines a tidy albeit rigorous progression for a base development which i am sure a beginner could appreciate.

Third book is A Practical Guide To Jhanas by Leigh Brasington, the first chapters of this book outline a cookie cutter progression of a method which seems to work for many, the expression is consise & practical in contrast to the Ledi Sayadaw's Manual this is afaik the most beginner friendly guide to getting into development. As for the later chapters of high attainments i will not say anything.

That being said the best books are the Sutta, Patisambhidamagga and Abhidhamma.

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