Audio guided meditation recommendations?


Accepted answer

The "How To Meditate" YouTube video playlist by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is highly recommended. It includes both sitting and walking meditation. This is more like vipassana meditation based on the four foundations of mindfulness.

Another good YouTube video is "Guided Breath Meditation" by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. This is more like a body scanning meditation.


Tell your friend to try out the headspace app. It's very beginner friendly and it helps create a sense on progression.


Nyom Pedros,

First Things First!

It's totally wise of your friend to seek after "audio guided 'meditation'" since path and right view does not come from 'meditation', but right meditation is caused by right view and comes naturally. And what is the cause of right view? Listening to the good Dhamma and having proper attention, since requiring to leave home, stand, at first place.

Hard to find the good Dhamma under so many wellness-Dhamma and trades of many kinds for favors... and hard to hold at this time proper attention, but here the advice of the Sublime Buddha how to get a "Audio guided meditation", the Buddhas recommendation on your question:

"There is the case, Bharadvaja, where a monk lives in dependence on a certain village or town. Then a householder or householder's son goes to him and observes him with regard to three mental qualities — qualities based on greed, qualities based on aversion, qualities based on delusion... The Way to Stream Entry

Certain guided meditations which are not just focusing on a certain marked, but on right view, a "tabu" under so called meditator, can be found at: and yes, also for the marked is plenty on food.

Maybe starting with a talk on basics like Generosity or even better in sound and script: Respect, Confidence and Patient

{Note: This is not given for any usual trade, exchange, stacks or Buddh-ism but simply to free one self and go beyond and may be deleted if not seeking for such here, i.e. not given for you.}


Ajahn Jayasaro has a lot of Dhamma talks, Q&As and guided meditation sessions. Just look up on YouTube.

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