Why do I struggle to meditate daily or regularly?


Generally this happens due to five hindrances.

If you think the problem stems from Doubt (Vicikiccha), then there are remedies mentioned extensively in the Commentary.

You can read the following texts in order to strengthen your faith and ovecome the doubts.

  • Nivarana sutta with Commentary

  • Commentary to Indriya vibhanga of Abhidhamma (about Saddha-indriya)


Make meditation pleasant. Things you enjoy you're more likely to do.

When you go to meditate, think about how you're taking a break from the stressful and chaotic world and you're going to do something good for yourself.

Find a style of meditation that you enjoy. If meditation feels like a chore, then it is a chore and you won't do it as much.

Sit comfortably. It's okay to meditate on a chair. I wouldn't recommend lay down on a couch or a bed because you're more likely to fall asleep.

Experiment with the duration. Sit as long as is comfortable, then get up. Don't sit through pain. You can do multiple short meditations if you like.

Having an altar or a place for meditation that is visible will remind you to meditate.


In Buddhism, there is a notion of renunciation. It means not to be attached and wanting to be free from samsara. It means to let go. That should be the motivation of meditation.

If the motivation of meditating is not renunciation, then it is very difficult to meditate. For example, if the motivation is to have peace (many fall into this trap), then when we start thinking of something else more peaceful, we lost the present meditation and starts wondering. (The remedy then is to renounce the wondering mind and comeback to the present meditation and continue with present meditation)

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