3 marks of existence


Hello with much metta!!! The Buddha taught three truths that are omnipresent in Samsara.

These are: - Impermanence - Suffering - No-Self

IMPERMANENCE With every thought moment, everything in Samsara is never the exact same thing it is, nor different than what it is. Some conditioned things might seem the exact same for a while, but be assured, it is changing & with time, one can come to see this, it’s only very slowly changing. Nothing can ever be lost, only changed, just like us with our awareness & Rebirth!

SUFFERING Dukkha is caused by the lack of accepting impermanence. Everything you cling to dearly is but a debt that will be payed fully with, ultimately, every death. When one comes to see the nature of Samsara suffering will end & peace will take its place.

NO-SELF Nothing in Samsara exists independent of the mind or as an intrinsic thing. All things are dependent on each other. Rid one thing, and all cannot exist. This also includes you. You do not have β€œself,” you are but five impermanent aggregates mixed together: Consciousness, form (body), sensations, perceptions, & mental formations. There is no you. What continues for a Rebirth you say? Awareness, ever changing consciousness, streaming though Samsara until it finds a way to evaporate into Nibbana.

Hopefully this helps!

Thank you Venerable Buddha for showing us the Dhamma in this time!

May you have loving-kindness, generosity, & wisdom!


The three characteristics are characteristics of phenomena and are not related to mental reactions to things. "Dukkha" here does not mean "getting distraught". "Dukkha" meaning "getting distraught" pertains to the subject of the Four Noble Truths but not to the subject of the Three Characteristics.

For example, a motor car is impermanent. Because a motor car is impermanent, the motor car cannot bring lasting happiness. Therefore it is "dukkha" ("unable to bring happiness"). The impermanence of the motor car also makes it "not-self" because it cannot be permanently owned, possessed or controlled. To view a motor car in this way does not mean the viewer "gets distraught". For the Enlightened, it is the opposite. Their minds attain peace when understanding a motor car cannot bring lasting true happiness.


Above should be revised as:

Everything that is conditioned is impermanent (anicca), thus we get distraught (dukkha), and thus we are not in control (anatta).

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