Meditation outdoors


It is generally advisable to have a small enclosed room (Kuti) if you are a beginner. This generally protects your from disturbances. The wind or weather can sometimes be a distraction.

When you are accomplished perhaps a cave or even under a tree when the weather is good might be ideal.


When I was on holiday at my sisters's place aside a forest in Finland I had my best meditation-practices in my early years of practice. That what you might call "distracting" was soft: a soft wind , some insect making a little noise - it even helped to step outside of the "focusing objects"-mood of the mind and to fall into the detached "being-aware". Of course, there is a limit for the loudness - especially for the beginner that I was, but happily it was always below that level when I have been there.

In my hometown it is much more difficult for me to stay in meditation when sounds distract/disturb, perhaps that sounds are more aggressive. I remember, however, when I was a child and have been at my grandma's there was a big wooden clock softly clicking and sometimes a sound from the tram two streets away - and which as well helped to flow into a deep peaceful meditative and still aware state.

I like the answer of Samana Johann where he says "When ever there is a remote forest left, there is still a "birthplace" for another Arahat." That's really a nice observation, indeed!


Do it as much as possible. When ever there is a remote forest left, there is still a "birthplace" for another Arahat.

At least, its not only to get wean of what you are attached to, but also a place that changes very very quick and no chance to control it, whether, tracks, beings, coming and going, disturbances, pleasure... no one in charge of all your fruits, of this world.

Where ever you find a lot of insecurity there is the place to make understanding of anicca secure. There are many scholars and teachers today, but actually very less forest dweller. If one need some inspirations, Atma had seen, that Upasaka Robin occasionally writes about forest experiences.

How ever, please keep also this sutta in mind, since it is not so easy as it seams: (just fail to remember... A "romantic Monk requested to live alone and meditate on a beautiful spot he had seen, the Buddha refused serial times (learn first!) but at least he went, being confronted with nothing but unwholesome thought, he soon returned)


Meditation is about going deep into the silence within. This is why quiet and solitary places are preferred. Nature can provide a good background for people to meditate. But as you mention, it can also cause distractions. Do the best you can wherever you are. Just remember the purpose. Traditionally renunciates have lived in caves or the forest and so they meditate outside naturally. They have to learn to deal with all the distractions of bugs. You should not add impediments. If you want to renounce and live in the forest, you will probably have to go to the Himalayas and find a guru. Otherwise, meditate wherever helps you go deep into yourself. The key principle is that where you meditate should not be a preoccupation. The mind is enough of a challenge.

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