how to label changing postures?


if i dont have time to label 3 times "sitting sitting sitting" but only 1 time "sitting" - whats the way to label in that case ? (im asking what to label in on both scenarios)

According above statement you may have bypass the preliminary steps. That is the reason for asking "What to label"?

By practicing technique like walking meditation from beginners steps.(I think you know how to walk) you may understand what to label.


The whole point of using words to note is that you are labeling the thing you are meditating on in accordance with what it is. If you are rising up to stand, you aren't actually standing at that time, so it is inappropriate to note it with the word standing, as you want the noting to be simultaneous with the object itself.

Ajahn Yuttadhammo explains some of the principles of the labeling being simultaneous in his section on walking meditation on page 16 of his meditation booklet where he writes:

One should make the mental note at the exact moment of each movement, neither before or after the movement.

If the mental note, "stepping right", is made before the foot moves , one is noting something that has not yet occurred. If one move s the foot first and then note s, "stepping right", one is noting
something in the past. Either way, this cannot be considered
meditation, as there is no awareness of reality in either case .

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