Awareness in the body : ticklish/tingling feeling


The tingling sensation may be used to restless worry. You can just look at the sensation knowing its impermanence. More on this see this answer.


Relax your facial muscles & take an out-breath or let go of some out-breathes.

In your efforts to anchor awareness, it sounds like you are suppressing the (mental) tension stored in your physical body (which will arise into your awareness if meditating).

Balance your effort. At regular intervals, take your foot off the accelerator; ease off the throttle.


If you are experiencing tickling / tingling sensations ticklish feeling, then first check on the clothes you wear. Try to wear clothes loose and soft. If they restrict blood flow or put pressure on nerves, you will feel like scratching, or feeling tingling numbness. Don't wear tight pants or pants made of thick material. Take your shoes off and if your socks are thick and binding, take them off, too.

People experience all kinds of varied phenomena when trying to practice awareness / meditation. Getting itches or feeling other sensations like tingling, or feeling of lightness or a floating sensation are some of the common ones. It is because, as relaxation sets in, the nervous system begins to pass sensory signals more efficiently. They are sensory data that were kept blocked before. When the body gets relaxed or more aware, it gives rise to these unique sensations. So try to see it as just sensation. Try not to get too excited about it. If you are practicing awareness, make it a part of the practice. Just observe as to how it come up and watch it pass away. The main thing is not to get involved. Keep your distance, and just observe.

Even if you don't feel at ease, or you can't relax, try to just observe it, without letting it rule you. Let those feelings arise and look at them mindfully. If you just sit still and observe your agitations, they will eventually pass. They come and they go. They have no real grip on you at all.

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