What evidence points in the other direction
These claims were first made in the book My Brother-in-law Adolf, probably written in the early 1940's.
Bridget Dowling - Emigration and claims
She claims that she introduced Adolf to astrology and that she advised him to trim off the edges of his moustache.
But pictures during World War I and his gun license of November 1921 show him without a trimed moustache. (Hitler left the army on 1920-04-01, so the photo is probably from late 1919 / early 1920)
So that claim at least is dubious.
The same book is where the claim of the November 1912 to April 1913 stay in Liverpool comes from.
The relationship between the younger Adolf with his step-brother Alois junior was never very good.
Mit seinem Halbbruder Adolf schien sich Alois nie gut verstanden zu haben. Später berichtete er, Adolf sei von dessen Mutter Klara stets bevorzugt worden, wohingegen Alois manche Prügelstrafen des Vaters auch für Adolfs Streiche abbekommen habe.
Alois never seemed to get along well with his half-brother Adolf. He later reported that Adolf had always been favored by his mother Klara, whereas Alois had received some beatings from his father for Adolf's pranks.
Even in the 1930's there doesn't seem to have been any contact between the two.
Am 15. September 1937 eröffnete er in Berlin, Wittenbergplatz 3, das „Konditorei Cafe Alois“, das ein beliebter Treffpunkt für SA-Leute wurde. Seit der Machtergreifung des Halbbruders hatten Alois jun. und Adolf keinen bekannt gewordenen Kontakt mehr zueinander. In Mein Kampf wurde Alois jun. gänzlich verschwiegen, nur wenige wussten von Hitlers Halbbruder.
On September 15, 1937 he opened the "Confectionery Cafe Alois" in Berlin, Wittenbergplatz 3, which became a popular meeting place for SA men. Since the seizure of power by the half-brother, Alois jun. and Adolf no longer had any known contact with each other. In Mein Kampf, Alois jun. was completely ignored, only a few knew about Hitler's half-brother.
- 1937-09-18, Freie Stimmen
- Konditorei Cafe Alois, Wittenbergplatz 3
So the claim that Hitler, the younger, came for a 6 month visit in 1912/13 seems to me also to be dubious.
The earliest photo I could find this morning, with a realistic date, with a trimmed moustache is from 1922.
It is known that no photos exist from 1920-02-24 when the 25 points plan was announced.
1915 1922-10-14/15 (Deutschen Tag, Coburg) |
1921-11-26 gun license (image pre 1920-04-01) 1923 |
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