Can a disfellowed JW marry after being reinstated?


If I understand you correctly, you are actually already married, but would like a Witness marriage ceremony to acknowledge that.

The fact is that Witnesses recognise civil marriages as valid. If you married before returning to the faith, then you are married in their eyes. In fact, such marriages are also perfectly acceptable for those within the faith. My sister married in a registry office. Both she and her husband were and are baptised Witnesses, and no one has suggested that their marriage is in any way invalid because they did not marry in a Kingdom Hall.

So the direct answer is No, you cannot have a marriage ceremony in your situation.

However, it is possible that some form of acknowledgement, or “renewal of vows” ceremony could be held. I have never heard of such within the Witness faith, but congregations’ bodies of elders have broad latitude (especially for weddings and funerals) to accommodate local customs. There is a handbook for elders, but it’s private, so I can’t tell you what it says about this. I have seen it, and can tell you that it’s a slim volume. I would guess that it doesn’t cover this situation, in which case your local body of elders would have to use their discretion.

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