Where can I see how long it took for checked-in luggage to be made available at the baggage reclaim area for past flights?


Accepted answer

I'll summarize the answers the question received in the comment section.

There is no generic solution to view how long it took for checked-in luggage to be made available at the baggage reclaim area for past flights.

Some airports publish some statistics, e.g. statistics from Gatwick airport in September 2013 (mirror):

enter image description here

Some airlines have some baggage claim guarantee, e.g. https://www.alaskaair.com/content/travel-info/baggage/baggage-claim/20-minute-guarantee (mirror):

If your bags are not at baggage claim within 20 minutes of your plane’s arrival at the gate, we’ll offer you a $25 discount code for use on a future Alaska Airlines flight, or 2,500 Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan™ bonus miles.

In the rare instance that we don't meet our 20 minute guarantee, just get ahold of us at the baggage office within 2 hours of your flight's arrival for your discount code or miles. You can simply speak with one of our customer service agents at the airport.


  • Random data point (Gatwick, back from september 2013): gatwickairport.com/globalassets/publicationfiles/… Some airports will also show the current status of bag delivery (first bag, last bag). Not sure if that information is available in standardized feeds, I don't even think the arrival gate or baggage claim number are widely available via third-party tools, are they? jcaron May 4 at 8:05
  • You are asking for the impossible. Nobody has all that data in one convenient place for you to query. Greg Hewgill May 4 at 3:40

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