Traffic Ticket in Germany


It is very unlikly that either from the German side (making a request) or the US side (complying the request) that anybody will undertake anything.

As the quote below states, Germany will not enforce US fines.
That would emply that there is no agreement between the two countries in this matter (as there are within the EU).

It is probably considered a too costly affair.

Unless you are caught again by the same state commiting a further traffic offence (where they would then see that there is something open), nothing is likly to happen upon return.

Was droht, wenn ich Forderungen aus den USA nicht bezahle?

Bußgelder aus den USA lassen sich in Deutschland nicht vollstrecken, allerdings müssen Verkehrssünder ggf. mit Problemen bei der Ein- bzw. Ausreise rechnen.

What if I don't pay claims from the United States?

Fines from the USA cannot be enforced in Germany, but traffic offenders may face problems when entering or leaving the country.


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