Uk Visit Visa Rejected, Should i reapply?


You have two problems here: the origin of the money you mother is sponsoring you with; and the suspicion that you will go underground once you arrive, overstay, and work illegally.

The first of these is a documentary issue. If you have documents relating to the sale and reasonably regular bank statements since showing that the money has remained in your family then that should suffice.

The second problem is more difficult to resolve. Th immigration officer believes it likely that you will not return to Pakistan. You need to show strong ties to your home country that will make it likely that you will. The IO is looking for a regular responsible job, property ownership, and dependent relatives, amongst other things. As a student you are unlikely to have any of these.

I can't tell you whether you should re-apply, but unless you can address these issues effectively you are likely to be refused again. Bear in mind that multiple refusals can reflect badly on an applicant - it might look like you are desperate.

Good luck!

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