Independent travels around Southeast Africa


Accepted answer

You're essentially answering your own question: you're an experienced European traveler who currently lives in Africa and has 'always managed to get out of any difficult/dangerous situation'. There's little anyone can add which you don't already know or can easily find out.

But, at the risk of stating the obvious: Wherever you go in these countries you'll stand out, both for your looks, your clothes and your mode of transport. Most locals will frown on you traveling around on a small budget, and quite a bit of your trip might end up being rather tough; there is no wild camping in these places, distances are big and amenities are few.

That said, most people you'll encounter will be great. Crime typically should not be a concern, though because you will stand out, you are likely to also attract unwanted attention at times. Violent crime targeted at foreigners is, thankfully, still rare, but not impossible.

I lived in several of the countries you want to visit, traveled around quite a bit and never felt I was in a dangerous situation (except perhaps once in downtown Johannesburg). I plenty of times felt less great for a complete lack of comfort, though.

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